Enrollment Form

    Please complete this form and click the "SEND" button at the bottom when you are done. Required fields are marked with '*'. We will call to confirm your enrollment, usually within 48 hours. Thank you!

    Studio Location

    Class Time

    Student's Name (1)*

    Date of Birth*


    Student's Name (2)

    Date of Birth


    Street Address*




    Mother's Full Name

    Employed By

    Mom/Primary Email*

    Father's Full Name

    Employed By

    Dad/Secondary Email*

    Home Phone

    Mother/Primary Cell

    Father/Secondary Cell

    Emergency Phone (Other than Home Phone please)*

    Allergies (Please list any food or other allergies)

    If someone other than the parent is to be billed for lessons, please give the following information:

    Person to be billed is

    Street Address




    How did you hear about our studio?

    Attention Parents

    Tuition is payable at the first class along with the registration fee Tuition must be paid each 6 weeks as billed, if pupil is to remain in our school. WE DO NOT GIVE CREDITS OR REFUNDS FOR MISSED LESSONS.

    Please check with our office concerning class make-up procedure and class attire for your child. A recital will be held in June for our Dance Pupils, with details coming in January. For our Downingtown Students, we hold both a December and a June Recital, using the same costume for both productions. Your participation is always your choice. We are constantly striving to create the finest learning environment and professional instruction for your child. By submitting this registration form, you are agreeing to your child's class being photographed for marketing or advertising purposes Thank you!

    After you click SEND, the form will return to blank and you should see a green "Thank you" box at the bottom of the screen. If so, your enrollment form will be emailed to our office (and you'll receive a copy). We will be in touch shortly, usually within 48 hours. Should you not hear from us within 48 hours, do please call 610-692-6144. Thank you for choosing our school!